Jungle Cat


Intentional Marketing & Creative Solutions Outside The Box

Intentional Marketing & Creative Solutions Outside The Box

Take your dreams to the next level

We love to think outside the box and defy the conventional approach to digital marketing strategies. Thanks to our international experience, we will quite literally go up a mountain to get you the best aerial shots for your content and products, or travel across the world if you need us to.

Following the rules by the book is great, but when it comes down to helping your vision expand, we love getting creative and trying something new. We understand that your business is your dream and we are committed to your dreams.

The digital world and the algorithms are ever changing. That means we have to change our approach too. We stay on our toes with fast changing trends, never afraid of taking risks and trying different things.

However we truly believe that the secret sauce that can beat any algorithm is authenticity, intention and community. Quality over quantity as following numbers aren’t as relevant now a days. We will not offer cookie cutter strategies for your brand. We will take a deep dive into the heart and soul of it to make sure that shows through and translates properly to your audience. The AI algorithms need soulful connections to truly succeed and that is our true passion.
After all: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” - A.Einstein.


Our Clients

Let’s work together.

Interested in working together? Fill out the form below and we will be in touch shortly.
We can't wait to hear from you and get creative with your vision!